Your Ohio Muskie Fishing Information Source

Since 1998

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[ Page Last updated 01/2023 ]
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Welcome to the Cyber Muskie Extravaganza !

I'm your host Muskie Guy ! And I fish MUSKIES ONLY!! I have been a member of Akron Canton Muskie Maniacs, Muskies Inc Chapter #19 since 1997 and currently serving as President. My favorite Muskie Lakes are West Branch , Piedmont, Milton, Chautauqua, The Kawartha's (Chemong) and St Clair along with a few others. You can get advice, info and fish reports on my famous Muskie Guy's message board. I invite you to check it out and come back often ......Fish Hard.......Muskie Guy

Surf around and take advantage of our site's features !

For the latest chapter 19 information check out the official Akron Canton Muskie Maniacs Facebook page

Please Practice Catch and Release

We encourage all Anglers to practice catch and release. Muskies are a valuable resource and we are most fortunate here in Ohio to have such a fine stocking program. The reason for C&R is to sustain our fishery and grow trophy Muskellunge. Please take take a look at the article by clicking below.... thanks...

Muskie Guy's CPR Facts,Tips and Guidelines

~ Chapter 19 Club Record Muskie - Gabe Rosplock, 57.25 inches ~

~ Ohio State Record Muskie - Joe D. Lykins, 50-1/4 inches 55 pounds 2 oz on 4/12/1972 Piedmont Lake ~

~ Ohio State Record Muskie ( pic # 2 ) - Joe D. Lykins, 50-1/4 inches 55 pounds 2 oz on 4/12/1972 Piedmont Lake ~

~ Ohio State Record Tiger Muskie - Matt Amedeo 47 inches 31.64 pounds 4/28/06 Turkeyfoot Lake ~

~ World Record Muskie - Louis Spray 69 pounds 11 oz Chippewa Flowage Wisconson 10/20/49 ~

~ World Record Muskie ( unofficial ) - Robert Malo 70 pounds 52.5 inches Middle Eau Claire Lake Wisconson 6/6/54 ~

~ Record Muskie - Cal Johnson 67 pounds 8 oz Lac Courte Oreilles Wisconson 7/24/49 ~

~ Ontario Record Muskie - Ken O'Brien 65 pounds 58 inches 30.5 girth 10/16/88 Georgian bay~

~ Record Muskie (released) - Dale Mcnair 57x33.. 65.25#..St Lawrence~

Visit Muskie Guy's Message Board. Fish Reports, Lake Conditons and Temps, Lure Talk 24 - 7, Monthly lure profiles. All this and more ! Check it out..

Muskie Guys Message Board

Also visit

Esox East Information Board Homepage

Chapter 19 Muskie Maniacs Facebook page

State Record Muskies (By State)

A list of Ohio's Biggest Muskies

Lure Dive Chart

Fishing Knots

Become a member of the Akron-Canton Chapter 19 Muskie Maniacs

Akron-Canton Chapter 19 ~ 2021 Officers

President ~ Guy Bechter

Vice President ~ Mike Ellis

Regional Rep /Public Relations / Website ~ Guy Bechter

Secretary ~ Kevin D Profitt

Treasurer ~ Gerhard Schmidt

Merchandise Director ~ Jeremy Blanton

Tournament Director ~

Release Chairman ~ Chuck Kuhlman

Youth Director ~ Steve Walker

Board Member ~ Russ Roberts

Board Member ~ Richard Daniels

Board Member ~ Charlotte Fuches

Board Member Bob McCloud

Our Tournaments are open to both members and non-members (unless specified). We communicate on the water on Marine radio channel 71. Upon registration you will receive a Tournament pack which will include Tournament Rules, Fish Registration Forms, and an Orange Flag . Prizes and awrads for fish caught. We also have a Lure raffle at the closing ceremony. Join the fun and lets catch some Muskellunge !

2021 Muskie Maniacs Tour

    April 10th & 11th Piedmont Lake Spring Opener

    May 1st & 2nd Leesville Open Tournament

    June 5th & 6th Saltfork Chapter Challunge - All Muskies Inc Chapters and Members welcome ( social distance cookout and campout )

    July 17th & 18th West Branch Chapter 19/23 Summer Blitz Open Tournament

    August 21st Leesville PM Bite

    October 2nd & 3rd Piedmont Lake Fall Muskie Hunt

    October 16th & 17th Alum Creek joint 19/41 Fall Throwdown / Season Finale

    **14th annual West Branch Hawg Hunt Hoedown November 13th** Open to all (non club event)

Tournament Liability Form


In memory of our chapter president Gordon Selden April 17, 1952 - March 05, 2012 . You will be missed.

Akron-Canton lost a member Sunday October 21,2001. Gene Marks died of a heart attack. He was the club Treasurer and a very active member. It is said he and his grandson were out fishing the day before and he caught what would be his last Muskie. He will be missed much by myself and the chapter. We have lost a great fishing partner

Site created and maintained by Muskie Guy... ( Guy Bechter )..Suggestions, Comments or Questions ? .. E-mail me:

Muskie_Guy's E-mail Hotline